Characters (6000)

Codepoint Character Name
U+1F459 👙 Bikini
U+1F45A 👚 Womans Clothes
U+1F45B 👛 Purse
U+1F45C 👜 Handbag
U+1F45D 👝 Pouch
U+1F45E 👞 Mans Shoe
U+1F45F 👟 Athletic Shoe
U+1F460 👠 High-Heeled Shoe
U+1F461 👡 Womans Sandal
U+1F462 👢 Womans Boots
U+1F463 👣 Footprints
U+1F464 👤 Bust In Silhouette
U+1F465 👥 Busts In Silhouette
U+1F466 👦 Boy
U+1F467 👧 Girl
U+1F468 👨 Man
U+1F469 👩 Woman
U+1F46A 👪 Family
U+1F46B 👫 Man And Woman Holding Hands
U+1F46C 👬 Two Men Holding Hands
U+1F46D 👭 Two Women Holding Hands
U+1F46E 👮 Police Officer
U+1F46F 👯 Woman With Bunny Ears
U+1F470 👰 Bride With Veil
U+1F471 👱 Person With Blond Hair
U+1F472 👲 Man With Gua Pi Mao
U+1F473 👳 Man With Turban
U+1F474 👴 Older Man
U+1F475 👵 Older Woman
U+1F476 👶 Baby
U+1F477 👷 Construction Worker
U+1F478 👸 Princess
U+1F479 👹 Japanese Ogre
U+1F47A 👺 Japanese Goblin
U+1F47B 👻 Ghost
U+1F47C 👼 Baby Angel
U+1F47D 👽 Extraterrestrial Alien
U+1F47E 👾 Alien Monster
U+1F47F 👿 Imp
U+1F480 💀 Skull
U+1F481 💁 Information Desk Person
U+1F482 💂 Guardsman
U+1F483 💃 Dancer
U+1F484 💄 Lipstick
U+1F485 💅 Nail Polish
U+1F486 💆 Face Massage
U+1F487 💇 Haircut
U+1F488 💈 Barber Pole
U+1F489 💉 Syringe
U+1F48A 💊 Pill
U+1F48B 💋 Kiss Mark
U+1F48C 💌 Love Letter
U+1F48D 💍 Ring
U+1F48E 💎 Gem Stone
U+1F48F 💏 Kiss
U+1F490 💐 Bouquet
U+1F491 💑 Couple With Heart
U+1F492 💒 Wedding
U+1F493 💓 Beating Heart
U+1F494 💔 Broken Heart
U+1F495 💕 Two Hearts
U+1F496 💖 Sparkling Heart
U+1F497 💗 Growing Heart
U+1F498 💘 Heart With Arrow
U+1F499 💙 Blue Heart
U+1F49A 💚 Green Heart
U+1F49B 💛 Yellow Heart
U+1F49C 💜 Purple Heart
U+1F49D 💝 Heart With Ribbon
U+1F49E 💞 Revolving Hearts
U+1F49F 💟 Heart Decoration
U+1F4A0 💠 Diamond Shape With A Dot Inside
U+1F4A1 💡 Electric Light Bulb
U+1F4A2 💢 Anger Symbol
U+1F4A3 💣 Bomb
U+1F4A4 💤 Sleeping Symbol
U+1F4A5 💥 Collision Symbol
U+1F4A6 💦 Splashing Sweat Symbol
U+1F4A7 💧 Droplet
U+1F4A8 💨 Dash Symbol
U+1F4A9 💩 Pile Of Poo
U+1F4AA 💪 Flexed Biceps
U+1F4AB 💫 Dizzy Symbol
U+1F4AC 💬 Speech Balloon
U+1F4AD 💭 Thought Balloon
U+1F4AE 💮 White Flower
U+1F4AF 💯 Hundred Points Symbol
U+1F4B0 💰 Money Bag
U+1F4B1 💱 Currency Exchange
U+1F4B2 💲 Heavy Dollar Sign
U+1F4B3 💳 Credit Card
U+1F4B4 💴 Banknote With Yen Sign
U+1F4B5 💵 Banknote With Dollar Sign
U+1F4B6 💶 Banknote With Euro Sign
U+1F4B7 💷 Banknote With Pound Sign
U+1F4B8 💸 Money With Wings