U+0853 |
ࡓ |
Mandaic Letter Ar |
U+0854 |
ࡔ |
Mandaic Letter Ash |
U+0855 |
ࡕ |
Mandaic Letter At |
U+0856 |
ࡖ |
Mandaic Letter Dushenna |
U+0857 |
ࡗ |
Mandaic Letter Kad |
U+0858 |
ࡘ |
Mandaic Letter Ain |
U+0860 |
ࡠ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nga |
U+0861 |
ࡡ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ja |
U+0862 |
ࡢ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nya |
U+0863 |
ࡣ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Tta |
U+0864 |
ࡤ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nna |
U+0865 |
ࡥ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nnna |
U+0866 |
ࡦ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Bha |
U+0867 |
ࡧ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ra |
U+0868 |
ࡨ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Lla |
U+0869 |
ࡩ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Llla |
U+086A |
ࡪ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ssa |
U+0870 |
ࡰ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Fatha |
U+0871 |
ࡱ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Top Right Fatha |
U+0872 |
ࡲ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Right Middle Stroke |
U+0873 |
ࡳ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Left Middle Stroke |
U+0874 |
ࡴ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Kasra |
U+0875 |
ࡵ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Bottom Right Kasra |
U+0876 |
ࡶ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Round Dot Above |
U+0877 |
ࡷ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Right Round Dot |
U+0878 |
ࡸ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Left Round Dot |
U+0879 |
ࡹ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Round Dot Below |
U+087A |
ࡺ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Dot Above |
U+087B |
ࡻ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Top Right Fatha And Dot Above |
U+087C |
ࡼ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Right Middle Stroke And Dot Above |
U+087D |
ࡽ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Bottom Right Kasra And Dot Above |
U+087E |
ࡾ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Top Right Fatha And Left Ring |
U+087F |
ࡿ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Right Middle Stroke And Left Ring |
U+0880 |
ࢀ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Bottom Right Kasra And Left Ring |
U+0881 |
ࢁ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Right Hamza |
U+0882 |
ࢂ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Left Hamza |
U+0883 |
ࢃ |
Arabic Tatweel With Overstruck Hamza |
U+0884 |
ࢄ |
Arabic Tatweel With Overstruck Waw |
U+0885 |
ࢅ |
Arabic Tatweel With Two Dots Below |
U+0886 |
ࢆ |
Arabic Letter Thin Yeh |
U+0887 |
ࢇ |
Arabic Baseline Round Dot |
U+0889 |
ࢉ |
Arabic Letter Noon With Inverted Small V |
U+088A |
ࢊ |
Arabic Letter Hah With Inverted Small V Below |
U+088B |
ࢋ |
Arabic Letter Tah With Dot Below |
U+088C |
ࢌ |
Arabic Letter Tah With Three Dots Below |
U+088D |
ࢍ |
Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Vertically Below |
U+088E |
ࢎ |
Arabic Vertical Tail |
U+08A0 |
ࢠ |
Arabic Letter Beh With Small V Below |
U+08A1 |
ࢡ |
Arabic Letter Beh With Hamza Above |
U+08A2 |
ࢢ |
Arabic Letter Jeem With Two Dots Above |
U+08A3 |
ࢣ |
Arabic Letter Tah With Two Dots Above |
U+08A4 |
ࢤ |
Arabic Letter Feh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above |
U+08A5 |
ࢥ |
Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Below |
U+08A6 |
ࢦ |
Arabic Letter Lam With Double Bar |
U+08A7 |
ࢧ |
Arabic Letter Meem With Three Dots Above |
U+08A8 |
ࢨ |
Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Hamza Above |
U+08A9 |
ࢩ |
Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above |
U+08AA |
ࢪ |
Arabic Letter Reh With Loop |
U+08AB |
ࢫ |
Arabic Letter Waw With Dot Within |
U+08AC |
ࢬ |
Arabic Letter Rohingya Yeh |
U+08AD |
ࢭ |
Arabic Letter Low Alef |
U+08AE |
ࢮ |
Arabic Letter Dal With Three Dots Below |
U+08AF |
ࢯ |
Arabic Letter Sad With Three Dots Below |
U+08B0 |
ࢰ |
Arabic Letter Gaf With Inverted Stroke |
U+08B1 |
ࢱ |
Arabic Letter Straight Waw |
U+08B2 |
ࢲ |
Arabic Letter Zain With Inverted V Above |
U+08B3 |
ࢳ |
Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Below |
U+08B4 |
ࢴ |
Arabic Letter Kaf With Dot Below |
U+08B5 |
ࢵ |
Arabic Letter Qaf With Dot Below And No Dots Above |
U+08B6 |
ࢶ |
Arabic Letter Beh With Small Meem Above |
U+08B7 |
ࢷ |
Arabic Letter Peh With Small Meem Above |
U+08B8 |
ࢸ |
Arabic Letter Teh With Small Teh Above |
U+08B9 |
ࢹ |
Arabic Letter Reh With Small Noon Above |
U+08BA |
ࢺ |
Arabic Letter Yeh With Two Dots Below And Small Noon Above |
U+08BB |
ࢻ |
Arabic Letter African Feh |
U+08BC |
ࢼ |
Arabic Letter African Qaf |
U+08BD |
ࢽ |
Arabic Letter African Noon |
U+08BE |
ࢾ |
Arabic Letter Peh With Small V |
U+08BF |
ࢿ |
Arabic Letter Teh With Small V |
U+08C0 |
ࣀ |
Arabic Letter Tteh With Small V |
U+08C1 |
ࣁ |
Arabic Letter Tcheh With Small V |
U+08C2 |
ࣂ |
Arabic Letter Keheh With Small V |
U+08C3 |
ࣃ |
Arabic Letter Ghain With Three Dots Above |
U+08C4 |
ࣄ |
Arabic Letter African Qaf With Three Dots Above |
U+08C5 |
ࣅ |
Arabic Letter Jeem With Three Dots Above |
U+08C6 |
ࣆ |
Arabic Letter Jeem With Three Dots Below |
U+08C7 |
ࣇ |
Arabic Letter Lam With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above |
U+08C8 |
ࣈ |
Arabic Letter Graf |
U+0904 |
ऄ |
Devanagari Letter Short A |
U+0905 |
अ |
Devanagari Letter A |
U+0906 |
आ |
Devanagari Letter Aa |
U+0907 |
इ |
Devanagari Letter I |
U+0908 |
ई |
Devanagari Letter Ii |
U+0909 |
उ |
Devanagari Letter U |
U+090A |
ऊ |
Devanagari Letter Uu |
U+090B |
ऋ |
Devanagari Letter Vocalic R |