Characters (895)

Codepoint Character Name
U+00B2 ² Superscript Two
U+00B3 ³ Superscript Three
U+00B9 ¹ Superscript One
U+00BC ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
U+00BD ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
U+00BE ¾ Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
U+09F4 Bengali Currency Numerator One
U+09F5 Bengali Currency Numerator Two
U+09F6 Bengali Currency Numerator Three
U+09F7 Bengali Currency Numerator Four
U+09F8 Bengali Currency Numerator One Less Than The Denominator
U+09F9 Bengali Currency Denominator Sixteen
U+0B72 Oriya Fraction One Quarter
U+0B73 Oriya Fraction One Half
U+0B74 Oriya Fraction Three Quarters
U+0B75 Oriya Fraction One Sixteenth
U+0B76 Oriya Fraction One Eighth
U+0B77 Oriya Fraction Three Sixteenths
U+0BF0 Tamil Number Ten
U+0BF1 Tamil Number One Hundred
U+0BF2 Tamil Number One Thousand
U+0C78 Telugu Fraction Digit Zero For Odd Powers Of Four
U+0C79 Telugu Fraction Digit One For Odd Powers Of Four
U+0C7A Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Odd Powers Of Four
U+0C7B Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Odd Powers Of Four
U+0C7C Telugu Fraction Digit One For Even Powers Of Four
U+0C7D Telugu Fraction Digit Two For Even Powers Of Four
U+0C7E Telugu Fraction Digit Three For Even Powers Of Four
U+0D58 Malayalam Fraction One One-Hundred-And-Sixtieth
U+0D59 Malayalam Fraction One Fortieth
U+0D5A Malayalam Fraction Three Eightieths
U+0D5B Malayalam Fraction One Twentieth
U+0D5C Malayalam Fraction One Tenth
U+0D5D Malayalam Fraction Three Twentieths
U+0D5E Malayalam Fraction One Fifth
U+0D70 Malayalam Number Ten
U+0D71 Malayalam Number One Hundred
U+0D72 Malayalam Number One Thousand
U+0D73 Malayalam Fraction One Quarter
U+0D74 Malayalam Fraction One Half
U+0D75 Malayalam Fraction Three Quarters
U+0D76 Malayalam Fraction One Sixteenth
U+0D77 Malayalam Fraction One Eighth
U+0D78 Malayalam Fraction Three Sixteenths
U+0F2A Tibetan Digit Half One
U+0F2B Tibetan Digit Half Two
U+0F2C Tibetan Digit Half Three
U+0F2D Tibetan Digit Half Four
U+0F2E Tibetan Digit Half Five
U+0F2F Tibetan Digit Half Six
U+0F30 Tibetan Digit Half Seven
U+0F31 Tibetan Digit Half Eight
U+0F32 Tibetan Digit Half Nine
U+0F33 Tibetan Digit Half Zero
U+1369 Ethiopic Digit One
U+136A Ethiopic Digit Two
U+136B Ethiopic Digit Three
U+136C Ethiopic Digit Four
U+136D Ethiopic Digit Five
U+136E Ethiopic Digit Six
U+136F Ethiopic Digit Seven
U+1370 Ethiopic Digit Eight
U+1371 Ethiopic Digit Nine
U+1372 Ethiopic Number Ten
U+1373 Ethiopic Number Twenty
U+1374 Ethiopic Number Thirty
U+1375 Ethiopic Number Forty
U+1376 Ethiopic Number Fifty
U+1377 Ethiopic Number Sixty
U+1378 Ethiopic Number Seventy
U+1379 Ethiopic Number Eighty
U+137A Ethiopic Number Ninety
U+137B Ethiopic Number Hundred
U+137C Ethiopic Number Ten Thousand
U+17F0 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Son
U+17F1 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Muoy
U+17F2 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pii
U+17F3 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Bei
U+17F4 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Buon
U+17F5 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram
U+17F6 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Muoy
U+17F7 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Pii
U+17F8 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Bei
U+17F9 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Pram-Buon
U+19DA New Tai Lue Tham Digit One
U+2070 Superscript Zero
U+2074 Superscript Four
U+2075 Superscript Five
U+2076 Superscript Six
U+2077 Superscript Seven
U+2078 Superscript Eight
U+2079 Superscript Nine
U+2080 Subscript Zero
U+2081 Subscript One
U+2082 Subscript Two
U+2083 Subscript Three