Characters (6605)

Codepoint Character Name
U+2740 White Florette
U+2741 Eight Petalled Outlined Black Florette
U+2742 Circled Open Centre Eight Pointed Star
U+2743 Heavy Teardrop-Spoked Pinwheel Asterisk
U+2744 Snowflake
U+2745 Tight Trifoliate Snowflake
U+2746 Heavy Chevron Snowflake
U+2747 Sparkle
U+2748 Heavy Sparkle
U+2749 Balloon-Spoked Asterisk
U+274A Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
U+274B Heavy Eight Teardrop-Spoked Propeller Asterisk
U+274C Cross Mark
U+274D Shadowed White Circle
U+274E Negative Squared Cross Mark
U+274F Lower Right Drop-Shadowed White Square
U+2750 Upper Right Drop-Shadowed White Square
U+2751 Lower Right Shadowed White Square
U+2752 Upper Right Shadowed White Square
U+2753 Black Question Mark Ornament
U+2754 White Question Mark Ornament
U+2755 White Exclamation Mark Ornament
U+2756 Black Diamond Minus White X
U+2757 Heavy Exclamation Mark Symbol
U+2758 Light Vertical Bar
U+2759 Medium Vertical Bar
U+275A Heavy Vertical Bar
U+275B Heavy Single Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+275C Heavy Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+275D Heavy Double Turned Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+275E Heavy Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+275F Heavy Low Single Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+2760 Heavy Low Double Comma Quotation Mark Ornament
U+2761 Curved Stem Paragraph Sign Ornament
U+2762 Heavy Exclamation Mark Ornament
U+2763 Heavy Heart Exclamation Mark Ornament
U+2764 Heavy Black Heart
U+2765 Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet
U+2766 Floral Heart
U+2767 Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
U+2794 Heavy Wide-Headed Rightwards Arrow
U+2795 Heavy Plus Sign
U+2796 Heavy Minus Sign
U+2797 Heavy Division Sign
U+2798 Heavy South East Arrow
U+2799 Heavy Rightwards Arrow
U+279A Heavy North East Arrow
U+279B Drafting Point Rightwards Arrow
U+279C Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards Arrow
U+279D Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
U+279E Heavy Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
U+279F Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
U+27A0 Heavy Dashed Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow
U+27A1 Black Rightwards Arrow
U+27A2 Three-D Top-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead
U+27A3 Three-D Bottom-Lighted Rightwards Arrowhead
U+27A4 Black Rightwards Arrowhead
U+27A5 Heavy Black Curved Downwards And Rightwards Arrow
U+27A6 Heavy Black Curved Upwards And Rightwards Arrow
U+27A7 Squat Black Rightwards Arrow
U+27A8 Heavy Concave-Pointed Black Rightwards Arrow
U+27A9 Right-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AA Left-Shaded White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AB Back-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AC Front-Tilted Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AD Heavy Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AE Heavy Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27AF Notched Lower Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27B0 Curly Loop
U+27B1 Notched Upper Right-Shadowed White Rightwards Arrow
U+27B2 Circled Heavy White Rightwards Arrow
U+27B3 White-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
U+27B4 Black-Feathered South East Arrow
U+27B5 Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
U+27B6 Black-Feathered North East Arrow
U+27B7 Heavy Black-Feathered South East Arrow
U+27B8 Heavy Black-Feathered Rightwards Arrow
U+27B9 Heavy Black-Feathered North East Arrow
U+27BA Teardrop-Barbed Rightwards Arrow
U+27BB Heavy Teardrop-Shanked Rightwards Arrow
U+27BC Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow
U+27BD Heavy Wedge-Tailed Rightwards Arrow
U+27BE Open-Outlined Rightwards Arrow
U+27BF Double Curly Loop
U+2800 Braille Pattern Blank
U+2801 Braille Pattern Dots-1
U+2802 Braille Pattern Dots-2
U+2803 Braille Pattern Dots-12
U+2804 Braille Pattern Dots-3
U+2805 Braille Pattern Dots-13
U+2806 Braille Pattern Dots-23
U+2807 Braille Pattern Dots-123
U+2808 Braille Pattern Dots-4
U+2809 Braille Pattern Dots-14
U+280A Braille Pattern Dots-24
U+280B Braille Pattern Dots-124