U+07F7 |
߷ |
Nko Symbol Gbakurunen |
U+07F8 |
߸ |
Nko Comma |
U+07F9 |
߹ |
Nko Exclamation Mark |
U+07FA |
ߺ |
Nko Lajanyalan |
U+07FE |
߾ |
Nko Dorome Sign |
U+07FF |
߿ |
Nko Taman Sign |
U+0800 |
ࠀ |
Samaritan Letter Alaf |
U+0801 |
ࠁ |
Samaritan Letter Bit |
U+0802 |
ࠂ |
Samaritan Letter Gaman |
U+0803 |
ࠃ |
Samaritan Letter Dalat |
U+0804 |
ࠄ |
Samaritan Letter Iy |
U+0805 |
ࠅ |
Samaritan Letter Baa |
U+0806 |
ࠆ |
Samaritan Letter Zen |
U+0807 |
ࠇ |
Samaritan Letter It |
U+0808 |
ࠈ |
Samaritan Letter Tit |
U+0809 |
ࠉ |
Samaritan Letter Yut |
U+080A |
ࠊ |
Samaritan Letter Kaaf |
U+080B |
ࠋ |
Samaritan Letter Labat |
U+080C |
ࠌ |
Samaritan Letter Mim |
U+080D |
ࠍ |
Samaritan Letter Nun |
U+080E |
ࠎ |
Samaritan Letter Singaat |
U+080F |
ࠏ |
Samaritan Letter In |
U+0810 |
ࠐ |
Samaritan Letter Fi |
U+0811 |
ࠑ |
Samaritan Letter Tsaadiy |
U+0812 |
ࠒ |
Samaritan Letter Quf |
U+0813 |
ࠓ |
Samaritan Letter Rish |
U+0814 |
ࠔ |
Samaritan Letter Shan |
U+0815 |
ࠕ |
Samaritan Letter Taaf |
U+081A |
ࠚ |
Samaritan Modifier Letter Epenthetic Yut |
U+0824 |
ࠤ |
Samaritan Modifier Letter Short A |
U+0828 |
ࠨ |
Samaritan Modifier Letter I |
U+0830 |
࠰ |
Samaritan Punctuation Nequdaa |
U+0831 |
࠱ |
Samaritan Punctuation Afsaaq |
U+0832 |
࠲ |
Samaritan Punctuation Anged |
U+0833 |
࠳ |
Samaritan Punctuation Bau |
U+0834 |
࠴ |
Samaritan Punctuation Atmaau |
U+0835 |
࠵ |
Samaritan Punctuation Shiyyaalaa |
U+0836 |
࠶ |
Samaritan Abbreviation Mark |
U+0837 |
࠷ |
Samaritan Punctuation Melodic Qitsa |
U+0838 |
࠸ |
Samaritan Punctuation Ziqaa |
U+0839 |
࠹ |
Samaritan Punctuation Qitsa |
U+083A |
࠺ |
Samaritan Punctuation Zaef |
U+083B |
࠻ |
Samaritan Punctuation Turu |
U+083C |
࠼ |
Samaritan Punctuation Arkaanu |
U+083D |
࠽ |
Samaritan Punctuation Sof Mashfaat |
U+083E |
࠾ |
Samaritan Punctuation Annaau |
U+0840 |
ࡀ |
Mandaic Letter Halqa |
U+0841 |
ࡁ |
Mandaic Letter Ab |
U+0842 |
ࡂ |
Mandaic Letter Ag |
U+0843 |
ࡃ |
Mandaic Letter Ad |
U+0844 |
ࡄ |
Mandaic Letter Ah |
U+0845 |
ࡅ |
Mandaic Letter Ushenna |
U+0846 |
ࡆ |
Mandaic Letter Az |
U+0847 |
ࡇ |
Mandaic Letter It |
U+0848 |
ࡈ |
Mandaic Letter Att |
U+0849 |
ࡉ |
Mandaic Letter Aksa |
U+084A |
ࡊ |
Mandaic Letter Ak |
U+084B |
ࡋ |
Mandaic Letter Al |
U+084C |
ࡌ |
Mandaic Letter Am |
U+084D |
ࡍ |
Mandaic Letter An |
U+084E |
ࡎ |
Mandaic Letter As |
U+084F |
ࡏ |
Mandaic Letter In |
U+0850 |
ࡐ |
Mandaic Letter Ap |
U+0851 |
ࡑ |
Mandaic Letter Asz |
U+0852 |
ࡒ |
Mandaic Letter Aq |
U+0853 |
ࡓ |
Mandaic Letter Ar |
U+0854 |
ࡔ |
Mandaic Letter Ash |
U+0855 |
ࡕ |
Mandaic Letter At |
U+0856 |
ࡖ |
Mandaic Letter Dushenna |
U+0857 |
ࡗ |
Mandaic Letter Kad |
U+0858 |
ࡘ |
Mandaic Letter Ain |
U+085E |
࡞ |
Mandaic Punctuation |
U+0860 |
ࡠ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nga |
U+0861 |
ࡡ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ja |
U+0862 |
ࡢ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nya |
U+0863 |
ࡣ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Tta |
U+0864 |
ࡤ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nna |
U+0865 |
ࡥ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Nnna |
U+0866 |
ࡦ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Bha |
U+0867 |
ࡧ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ra |
U+0868 |
ࡨ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Lla |
U+0869 |
ࡩ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Llla |
U+086A |
ࡪ |
Syriac Letter Malayalam Ssa |
U+0870 |
ࡰ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Fatha |
U+0871 |
ࡱ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Top Right Fatha |
U+0872 |
ࡲ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Right Middle Stroke |
U+0873 |
ࡳ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Left Middle Stroke |
U+0874 |
ࡴ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Kasra |
U+0875 |
ࡵ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Bottom Right Kasra |
U+0876 |
ࡶ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Round Dot Above |
U+0877 |
ࡷ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Right Round Dot |
U+0878 |
ࡸ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Left Round Dot |
U+0879 |
ࡹ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Round Dot Below |
U+087A |
ࡺ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Dot Above |
U+087B |
ࡻ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Attached Top Right Fatha And Dot Above |
U+087C |
ࡼ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Right Middle Stroke And Dot Above |