Characters (143850)

Codepoint Character Name
U+0120 Ġ Latin Capital Letter G With Dot Above
U+0121 ġ Latin Small Letter G With Dot Above
U+0122 Ģ Latin Capital Letter G With Cedilla
U+0123 ģ Latin Small Letter G With Cedilla
U+0124 Ĥ Latin Capital Letter H With Circumflex
U+0125 ĥ Latin Small Letter H With Circumflex
U+0126 Ħ Latin Capital Letter H With Stroke
U+0127 ħ Latin Small Letter H With Stroke
U+0128 Ĩ Latin Capital Letter I With Tilde
U+0129 ĩ Latin Small Letter I With Tilde
U+012A Ī Latin Capital Letter I With Macron
U+012B ī Latin Small Letter I With Macron
U+012C Ĭ Latin Capital Letter I With Breve
U+012D ĭ Latin Small Letter I With Breve
U+012E Į Latin Capital Letter I With Ogonek
U+012F į Latin Small Letter I With Ogonek
U+0130 İ Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above
U+0131 ı Latin Small Letter Dotless I
U+0132 IJ Latin Capital Ligature Ij
U+0133 ij Latin Small Ligature Ij
U+0134 Ĵ Latin Capital Letter J With Circumflex
U+0135 ĵ Latin Small Letter J With Circumflex
U+0136 Ķ Latin Capital Letter K With Cedilla
U+0137 ķ Latin Small Letter K With Cedilla
U+0138 ĸ Latin Small Letter Kra
U+0139 Ĺ Latin Capital Letter L With Acute
U+013A ĺ Latin Small Letter L With Acute
U+013B Ļ Latin Capital Letter L With Cedilla
U+013C ļ Latin Small Letter L With Cedilla
U+013D Ľ Latin Capital Letter L With Caron
U+013E ľ Latin Small Letter L With Caron
U+013F Ŀ Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Dot
U+0140 ŀ Latin Small Letter L With Middle Dot
U+0141 Ł Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke
U+0142 ł Latin Small Letter L With Stroke
U+0143 Ń Latin Capital Letter N With Acute
U+0144 ń Latin Small Letter N With Acute
U+0145 Ņ Latin Capital Letter N With Cedilla
U+0146 ņ Latin Small Letter N With Cedilla
U+0147 Ň Latin Capital Letter N With Caron
U+0148 ň Latin Small Letter N With Caron
U+0149 ʼn Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe
U+014A Ŋ Latin Capital Letter Eng
U+014B ŋ Latin Small Letter Eng
U+014C Ō Latin Capital Letter O With Macron
U+014D ō Latin Small Letter O With Macron
U+014E Ŏ Latin Capital Letter O With Breve
U+014F ŏ Latin Small Letter O With Breve
U+0150 Ő Latin Capital Letter O With Double Acute
U+0151 ő Latin Small Letter O With Double Acute
U+0152 Œ Latin Capital Ligature Oe
U+0153 œ Latin Small Ligature Oe
U+0154 Ŕ Latin Capital Letter R With Acute
U+0155 ŕ Latin Small Letter R With Acute
U+0156 Ŗ Latin Capital Letter R With Cedilla
U+0157 ŗ Latin Small Letter R With Cedilla
U+0158 Ř Latin Capital Letter R With Caron
U+0159 ř Latin Small Letter R With Caron
U+015A Ś Latin Capital Letter S With Acute
U+015B ś Latin Small Letter S With Acute
U+015C Ŝ Latin Capital Letter S With Circumflex
U+015D ŝ Latin Small Letter S With Circumflex
U+015E Ş Latin Capital Letter S With Cedilla
U+015F ş Latin Small Letter S With Cedilla
U+0160 Š Latin Capital Letter S With Caron
U+0161 š Latin Small Letter S With Caron
U+0162 Ţ Latin Capital Letter T With Cedilla
U+0163 ţ Latin Small Letter T With Cedilla
U+0164 Ť Latin Capital Letter T With Caron
U+0165 ť Latin Small Letter T With Caron
U+0166 Ŧ Latin Capital Letter T With Stroke
U+0167 ŧ Latin Small Letter T With Stroke
U+0168 Ũ Latin Capital Letter U With Tilde
U+0169 ũ Latin Small Letter U With Tilde
U+016A Ū Latin Capital Letter U With Macron
U+016B ū Latin Small Letter U With Macron
U+016C Ŭ Latin Capital Letter U With Breve
U+016D ŭ Latin Small Letter U With Breve
U+016E Ů Latin Capital Letter U With Ring Above
U+016F ů Latin Small Letter U With Ring Above
U+0170 Ű Latin Capital Letter U With Double Acute
U+0171 ű Latin Small Letter U With Double Acute
U+0172 Ų Latin Capital Letter U With Ogonek
U+0173 ų Latin Small Letter U With Ogonek
U+0174 Ŵ Latin Capital Letter W With Circumflex
U+0175 ŵ Latin Small Letter W With Circumflex
U+0176 Ŷ Latin Capital Letter Y With Circumflex
U+0177 ŷ Latin Small Letter Y With Circumflex
U+0178 Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
U+0179 Ź Latin Capital Letter Z With Acute
U+017A ź Latin Small Letter Z With Acute
U+017B Ż Latin Capital Letter Z With Dot Above
U+017C ż Latin Small Letter Z With Dot Above
U+017D Ž Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron
U+017E ž Latin Small Letter Z With Caron
U+017F ſ Latin Small Letter Long S