Characters (143850)

Codepoint Character Name
U+1FB6 Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni
U+1FB7 Greek Small Letter Alpha With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FB8 Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Vrachy
U+1FB9 Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Macron
U+1FBA Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Varia
U+1FBB Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Oxia
U+1FBC Greek Capital Letter Alpha With Prosgegrammeni
U+1FBD Greek Koronis
U+1FBE Greek Prosgegrammeni
U+1FBF ᾿ Greek Psili
U+1FC0 Greek Perispomeni
U+1FC1 Greek Dialytika And Perispomeni
U+1FC2 Greek Small Letter Eta With Varia And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FC3 Greek Small Letter Eta With Ypogegrammeni
U+1FC4 Greek Small Letter Eta With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FC6 Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni
U+1FC7 Greek Small Letter Eta With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FC8 Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Varia
U+1FC9 Greek Capital Letter Epsilon With Oxia
U+1FCA Greek Capital Letter Eta With Varia
U+1FCB Greek Capital Letter Eta With Oxia
U+1FCC Greek Capital Letter Eta With Prosgegrammeni
U+1FCD Greek Psili And Varia
U+1FCE Greek Psili And Oxia
U+1FCF Greek Psili And Perispomeni
U+1FD0 Greek Small Letter Iota With Vrachy
U+1FD1 Greek Small Letter Iota With Macron
U+1FD2 Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Varia
U+1FD3 Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Oxia
U+1FD6 Greek Small Letter Iota With Perispomeni
U+1FD7 Greek Small Letter Iota With Dialytika And Perispomeni
U+1FD8 Greek Capital Letter Iota With Vrachy
U+1FD9 Greek Capital Letter Iota With Macron
U+1FDA Greek Capital Letter Iota With Varia
U+1FDB Greek Capital Letter Iota With Oxia
U+1FDD Greek Dasia And Varia
U+1FDE Greek Dasia And Oxia
U+1FDF Greek Dasia And Perispomeni
U+1FE0 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Vrachy
U+1FE1 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Macron
U+1FE2 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Varia
U+1FE3 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Oxia
U+1FE4 Greek Small Letter Rho With Psili
U+1FE5 Greek Small Letter Rho With Dasia
U+1FE6 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Perispomeni
U+1FE7 Greek Small Letter Upsilon With Dialytika And Perispomeni
U+1FE8 Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Vrachy
U+1FE9 Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Macron
U+1FEA Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Varia
U+1FEB Greek Capital Letter Upsilon With Oxia
U+1FEC Greek Capital Letter Rho With Dasia
U+1FED Greek Dialytika And Varia
U+1FEE Greek Dialytika And Oxia
U+1FEF Greek Varia
U+1FF2 Greek Small Letter Omega With Varia And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FF3 Greek Small Letter Omega With Ypogegrammeni
U+1FF4 Greek Small Letter Omega With Oxia And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FF6 Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni
U+1FF7 Greek Small Letter Omega With Perispomeni And Ypogegrammeni
U+1FF8 Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Varia
U+1FF9 Greek Capital Letter Omicron With Oxia
U+1FFA Greek Capital Letter Omega With Varia
U+1FFB Greek Capital Letter Omega With Oxia
U+1FFC Greek Capital Letter Omega With Prosgegrammeni
U+1FFD Greek Oxia
U+1FFE Greek Dasia
U+2000   En Quad
U+2001 Em Quad
U+2002 En Space
U+2003 Em Space
U+2004 Three-Per-Em Space
U+2005 Four-Per-Em Space
U+2006 Six-Per-Em Space
U+2007 Figure Space
U+2008 Punctuation Space
U+2009 Thin Space
U+200A Hair Space
U+200B Zero Width Space
U+200C Zero Width Non-Joiner
U+200D Zero Width Joiner
U+200E Left-To-Right Mark
U+200F Right-To-Left Mark
U+2010 Hyphen
U+2011 Non-Breaking Hyphen
U+2012 Figure Dash
U+2013 En Dash
U+2014 Em Dash
U+2015 Horizontal Bar
U+2016 Double Vertical Line
U+2017 Double Low Line
U+2018 Left Single Quotation Mark
U+2019 Right Single Quotation Mark
U+201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
U+201B Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark
U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark
U+201D Right Double Quotation Mark