U+06DA |
ۚ |
Arabic Small High Jeem |
U+06DB |
ۛ |
Arabic Small High Three Dots |
U+06DC |
ۜ |
Arabic Small High Seen |
U+06DF |
۟ |
Arabic Small High Rounded Zero |
U+06E0 |
۠ |
Arabic Small High Upright Rectangular Zero |
U+06E1 |
ۡ |
Arabic Small High Dotless Head Of Khah |
U+06E2 |
ۢ |
Arabic Small High Meem Isolated Form |
U+06E4 |
ۤ |
Arabic Small High Madda |
U+06E7 |
ۧ |
Arabic Small High Yeh |
U+06E8 |
ۨ |
Arabic Small High Noon |
U+06EB |
۫ |
Arabic Empty Centre High Stop |
U+06EC |
۬ |
Arabic Rounded High Stop With Filled Centre |
U+0730 |
ܰ |
Syriac Pthaha Above |
U+0732 |
ܲ |
Syriac Pthaha Dotted |
U+0733 |
ܳ |
Syriac Zqapha Above |
U+0735 |
ܵ |
Syriac Zqapha Dotted |
U+0736 |
ܶ |
Syriac Rbasa Above |
U+073A |
ܺ |
Syriac Hbasa Above |
U+073D |
ܽ |
Syriac Esasa Above |
U+073F |
ܿ |
Syriac Rwaha |
U+0740 |
݀ |
Syriac Feminine Dot |
U+0741 |
݁ |
Syriac Qushshaya |
U+0743 |
݃ |
Syriac Two Vertical Dots Above |
U+0745 |
݅ |
Syriac Three Dots Above |
U+0747 |
݇ |
Syriac Oblique Line Above |
U+0749 |
݉ |
Syriac Music |
U+074A |
݊ |
Syriac Barrekh |
U+07EB |
߫ |
Nko Combining Short High Tone |
U+07EC |
߬ |
Nko Combining Short Low Tone |
U+07ED |
߭ |
Nko Combining Short Rising Tone |
U+07EE |
߮ |
Nko Combining Long Descending Tone |
U+07EF |
߯ |
Nko Combining Long High Tone |
U+07F0 |
߰ |
Nko Combining Long Low Tone |
U+07F1 |
߱ |
Nko Combining Long Rising Tone |
U+07F3 |
߳ |
Nko Combining Double Dot Above |
U+0816 |
ࠖ |
Samaritan Mark In |
U+0817 |
ࠗ |
Samaritan Mark In-Alaf |
U+0818 |
࠘ |
Samaritan Mark Occlusion |
U+0819 |
࠙ |
Samaritan Mark Dagesh |
U+081B |
ࠛ |
Samaritan Mark Epenthetic Yut |
U+081C |
ࠜ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long E |
U+081D |
ࠝ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign E |
U+081E |
ࠞ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong Aa |
U+081F |
ࠟ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long Aa |
U+0820 |
ࠠ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Aa |
U+0821 |
ࠡ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Overlong A |
U+0822 |
ࠢ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long A |
U+0823 |
ࠣ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign A |
U+0825 |
ࠥ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Short A |
U+0826 |
ࠦ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long U |
U+0827 |
ࠧ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign U |
U+0829 |
ࠩ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Long I |
U+082A |
ࠪ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign I |
U+082B |
ࠫ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign O |
U+082C |
ࠬ |
Samaritan Vowel Sign Sukun |
U+082D |
࠭ |
Samaritan Mark Nequdaa |
U+0898 |
࢘ |
Arabic Small High Word Al-juz |
U+089C |
࢜ |
Arabic Madda Waajib |
U+089D |
࢝ |
Arabic Superscript Alef Mokhassas |
U+089E |
࢞ |
Arabic Doubled Madda |
U+089F |
࢟ |
Arabic Half Madda Over Madda |
U+08CA |
࣊ |
Arabic Small High Farsi Yeh |
U+08CB |
࣋ |
Arabic Small High Yeh Barree With Two Dots Below |
U+08CC |
࣌ |
Arabic Small High Word Sah |
U+08CD |
࣍ |
Arabic Small High Zah |
U+08CE |
࣎ |
Arabic Large Round Dot Above |
U+08D4 |
ࣔ |
Arabic Small High Word Ar-Rub |
U+08D5 |
ࣕ |
Arabic Small High Sad |
U+08D6 |
ࣖ |
Arabic Small High Ain |
U+08D7 |
ࣗ |
Arabic Small High Qaf |
U+08D8 |
ࣘ |
Arabic Small High Noon With Kasra |
U+08D9 |
ࣙ |
Arabic Small Low Noon With Kasra |
U+08DA |
ࣚ |
Arabic Small High Word Ath-Thalatha |
U+08DB |
ࣛ |
Arabic Small High Word As-Sajda |
U+08DC |
ࣜ |
Arabic Small High Word An-Nisf |
U+08DD |
ࣝ |
Arabic Small High Word Sakta |
U+08DE |
ࣞ |
Arabic Small High Word Qif |
U+08DF |
ࣟ |
Arabic Small High Word Waqfa |
U+08E0 |
࣠ |
Arabic Small High Footnote Marker |
U+08E1 |
࣡ |
Arabic Small High Sign Safha |
U+08E4 |
ࣤ |
Arabic Curly Fatha |
U+08E5 |
ࣥ |
Arabic Curly Damma |
U+08E7 |
ࣧ |
Arabic Curly Fathatan |
U+08E8 |
ࣨ |
Arabic Curly Dammatan |
U+08EA |
࣪ |
Arabic Tone One Dot Above |
U+08EB |
࣫ |
Arabic Tone Two Dots Above |
U+08EC |
࣬ |
Arabic Tone Loop Above |
U+08F3 |
ࣳ |
Arabic Small High Waw |
U+08F4 |
ࣴ |
Arabic Fatha With Ring |
U+08F5 |
ࣵ |
Arabic Fatha With Dot Above |
U+08F7 |
ࣷ |
Arabic Left Arrowhead Above |
U+08F8 |
ࣸ |
Arabic Right Arrowhead Above |
U+08FB |
ࣻ |
Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above |
U+08FC |
ࣼ |
Arabic Double Right Arrowhead Above With Dot |
U+08FD |
ࣽ |
Arabic Right Arrowhead Above With Dot |
U+08FE |
ࣾ |
Arabic Damma With Dot |