Characters (720)

Codepoint Character Name
U+00A8 ¨ Diaeresis
U+00AF ¯ Macron
U+00B4 ´ Acute Accent
U+00B5 µ Micro Sign
U+00B8 ¸ Cedilla
U+0132 IJ Latin Capital Ligature Ij
U+0133 ij Latin Small Ligature Ij
U+013F Ŀ Latin Capital Letter L With Middle Dot
U+0140 ŀ Latin Small Letter L With Middle Dot
U+0149 ʼn Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe
U+017F ſ Latin Small Letter Long S
U+01C4 DŽ Latin Capital Letter Dz With Caron
U+01C5 Dž Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z With Caron
U+01C6 dž Latin Small Letter Dz With Caron
U+01C7 LJ Latin Capital Letter Lj
U+01C8 Lj Latin Capital Letter L With Small Letter J
U+01C9 lj Latin Small Letter Lj
U+01CA NJ Latin Capital Letter Nj
U+01CB Nj Latin Capital Letter N With Small Letter J
U+01CC nj Latin Small Letter Nj
U+01F1 DZ Latin Capital Letter Dz
U+01F2 Dz Latin Capital Letter D With Small Letter Z
U+01F3 dz Latin Small Letter Dz
U+02D8 ˘ Breve
U+02D9 ˙ Dot Above
U+02DA ˚ Ring Above
U+02DB ˛ Ogonek
U+02DC ˜ Small Tilde
U+02DD ˝ Double Acute Accent
U+037A ͺ Greek Ypogegrammeni
U+0384 ΄ Greek Tonos
U+03D0 ϐ Greek Beta Symbol
U+03D1 ϑ Greek Theta Symbol
U+03D2 ϒ Greek Upsilon With Hook Symbol
U+03D5 ϕ Greek Phi Symbol
U+03D6 ϖ Greek Pi Symbol
U+03F0 ϰ Greek Kappa Symbol
U+03F1 ϱ Greek Rho Symbol
U+03F2 ϲ Greek Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+03F4 ϴ Greek Capital Theta Symbol
U+03F5 ϵ Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol
U+03F9 Ϲ Greek Capital Lunate Sigma Symbol
U+0587 և Armenian Small Ligature Ech Yiwn
U+0675 ٵ Arabic Letter High Hamza Alef
U+0676 ٶ Arabic Letter High Hamza Waw
U+0677 ٷ Arabic Letter U With Hamza Above
U+0678 ٸ Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh
U+0E33 Thai Character Sara Am
U+0EB3 Lao Vowel Sign Am
U+0EDC Lao Ho No
U+0EDD Lao Ho Mo
U+0F77 Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Rr
U+0F79 Tibetan Vowel Sign Vocalic Ll
U+1E9A Latin Small Letter A With Right Half Ring
U+1FBD Greek Koronis
U+1FBF ᾿ Greek Psili
U+1FC0 Greek Perispomeni
U+1FFE Greek Dasia
U+2002 En Space
U+2003 Em Space
U+2004 Three-Per-Em Space
U+2005 Four-Per-Em Space
U+2006 Six-Per-Em Space
U+2008 Punctuation Space
U+2009 Thin Space
U+200A Hair Space
U+2017 Double Low Line
U+2024 One Dot Leader
U+2025 Two Dot Leader
U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis
U+2033 Double Prime
U+2034 Triple Prime
U+2036 Reversed Double Prime
U+2037 Reversed Triple Prime
U+203C Double Exclamation Mark
U+203E Overline
U+2047 Double Question Mark
U+2048 Question Exclamation Mark
U+2049 Exclamation Question Mark
U+2057 Quadruple Prime
U+205F Medium Mathematical Space
U+20A8 Rupee Sign
U+2100 Account Of
U+2101 Addressed To The Subject
U+2103 Degree Celsius
U+2105 Care Of
U+2106 Cada Una
U+2107 Euler Constant
U+2109 Degree Fahrenheit
U+2116 Numero Sign
U+2121 Telephone Sign
U+2135 Alef Symbol
U+2136 Bet Symbol
U+2137 Gimel Symbol
U+2138 Dalet Symbol
U+213B Facsimile Sign