ﳞ |
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form |
U+FD2D |
ﴭ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD2E |
ﴮ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD2F |
ﴯ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Khah Initial Form |
U+FD30 |
ﴰ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD31 |
ﴱ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Heh Initial Form |
U+FD32 |
ﴲ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Heh Initial Form |
U+FD33 |
ﴳ |
Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD50 |
ﵐ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD52 |
ﵒ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD53 |
ﵓ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Hah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD54 |
ﵔ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD55 |
ﵕ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD56 |
ﵖ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD57 |
ﵗ |
Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Khah Initial Form |
U+FD59 |
ﵙ |
Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD5C |
ﵜ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Hah With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD5D |
ﵝ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Jeem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD60 |
ﵠ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD61 |
ﵡ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD63 |
ﵣ |
Arabic Ligature Seen With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD65 |
ﵥ |
Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD68 |
ﵨ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD6B |
ﵫ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Khah Initial Form |
U+FD6D |
ﵭ |
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD70 |
ﵰ |
Arabic Ligature Dad With Khah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD72 |
ﵲ |
Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD73 |
ﵳ |
Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD77 |
ﵷ |
Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD7D |
ﵽ |
Arabic Ligature Feh With Khah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD83 |
ﶃ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD86 |
ﶆ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Khah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD88 |
ﶈ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD89 |
ﶉ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD8A |
ﶊ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD8C |
ﶌ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FD8D |
ﶍ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD8E |
ﶎ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD8F |
ﶏ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD92 |
ﶒ |
Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Khah Initial Form |
U+FD93 |
ﶓ |
Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Jeem Initial Form |
U+FD94 |
ﶔ |
Arabic Ligature Heh With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD95 |
ﶕ |
Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD98 |
ﶘ |
Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FD9D |
ﶝ |
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FDB4 |
ﶴ |
Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Hah Initial Form |
U+FDB5 |
ﶵ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Meem Initial Form |
U+FDB8 |
ﶸ |
Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Hah Initial Form |
ﶺ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FDC3 |
ﷃ |
Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FDC4 |
ﷄ |
Arabic Ligature Ain With Jeem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FDC5 |
ﷅ |
Arabic Ligature Sad With Meem With Meem Initial Form |
U+FE8B |
ﺋ |
Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Initial Form |
U+FE91 |
ﺑ |
Arabic Letter Beh Initial Form |
U+FE97 |
ﺗ |
Arabic Letter Teh Initial Form |
U+FE9B |
ﺛ |
Arabic Letter Theh Initial Form |
U+FE9F |
ﺟ |
Arabic Letter Jeem Initial Form |
U+FEA3 |
ﺣ |
Arabic Letter Hah Initial Form |
U+FEA7 |
ﺧ |
Arabic Letter Khah Initial Form |
U+FEB3 |
ﺳ |
Arabic Letter Seen Initial Form |
U+FEB7 |
ﺷ |
Arabic Letter Sheen Initial Form |
ﺻ |
Arabic Letter Sad Initial Form |
ﺿ |
Arabic Letter Dad Initial Form |
U+FEC3 |
ﻃ |
Arabic Letter Tah Initial Form |
U+FEC7 |
ﻇ |
Arabic Letter Zah Initial Form |
ﻋ |
Arabic Letter Ain Initial Form |
ﻏ |
Arabic Letter Ghain Initial Form |
U+FED3 |
ﻓ |
Arabic Letter Feh Initial Form |
U+FED7 |
ﻗ |
Arabic Letter Qaf Initial Form |
ﻛ |
Arabic Letter Kaf Initial Form |
ﻟ |
Arabic Letter Lam Initial Form |
U+FEE3 |
ﻣ |
Arabic Letter Meem Initial Form |
U+FEE7 |
ﻧ |
Arabic Letter Noon Initial Form |
ﻫ |
Arabic Letter Heh Initial Form |
U+FEF3 |
ﻳ |
Arabic Letter Yeh Initial Form |