U+FE74 |
ﹴ |
Arabic Kasratan Isolated Form |
U+FE76 |
ﹶ |
Arabic Fatha Isolated Form |
U+FE78 |
ﹸ |
Arabic Damma Isolated Form |
U+FE7A |
ﹺ |
Arabic Kasra Isolated Form |
U+FE7C |
ﹼ |
Arabic Shadda Isolated Form |
U+FE7E |
ﹾ |
Arabic Sukun Isolated Form |
U+FE80 |
ﺀ |
Arabic Letter Hamza Isolated Form |
U+FE81 |
ﺁ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form |
U+FE83 |
ﺃ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form |
U+FE85 |
ﺅ |
Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above Isolated Form |
U+FE87 |
ﺇ |
Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form |
U+FE89 |
ﺉ |
Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above Isolated Form |
U+FE8D |
ﺍ |
Arabic Letter Alef Isolated Form |
U+FE8F |
ﺏ |
Arabic Letter Beh Isolated Form |
U+FE93 |
ﺓ |
Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta Isolated Form |
U+FE95 |
ﺕ |
Arabic Letter Teh Isolated Form |
U+FE99 |
ﺙ |
Arabic Letter Theh Isolated Form |
U+FE9D |
ﺝ |
Arabic Letter Jeem Isolated Form |
U+FEA1 |
ﺡ |
Arabic Letter Hah Isolated Form |
U+FEA5 |
ﺥ |
Arabic Letter Khah Isolated Form |
U+FEA9 |
ﺩ |
Arabic Letter Dal Isolated Form |
ﺫ |
Arabic Letter Thal Isolated Form |
ﺭ |
Arabic Letter Reh Isolated Form |
ﺯ |
Arabic Letter Zain Isolated Form |
U+FEB1 |
ﺱ |
Arabic Letter Seen Isolated Form |
U+FEB5 |
ﺵ |
Arabic Letter Sheen Isolated Form |
U+FEB9 |
ﺹ |
Arabic Letter Sad Isolated Form |
ﺽ |
Arabic Letter Dad Isolated Form |
U+FEC1 |
ﻁ |
Arabic Letter Tah Isolated Form |
U+FEC5 |
ﻅ |
Arabic Letter Zah Isolated Form |
U+FEC9 |
ﻉ |
Arabic Letter Ain Isolated Form |
ﻍ |
Arabic Letter Ghain Isolated Form |
U+FED1 |
ﻑ |
Arabic Letter Feh Isolated Form |
U+FED5 |
ﻕ |
Arabic Letter Qaf Isolated Form |
U+FED9 |
ﻙ |
Arabic Letter Kaf Isolated Form |
ﻝ |
Arabic Letter Lam Isolated Form |
U+FEE1 |
ﻡ |
Arabic Letter Meem Isolated Form |
U+FEE5 |
ﻥ |
Arabic Letter Noon Isolated Form |
U+FEE9 |
ﻩ |
Arabic Letter Heh Isolated Form |
ﻭ |
Arabic Letter Waw Isolated Form |
ﻯ |
Arabic Letter Alef Maksura Isolated Form |
U+FEF1 |
ﻱ |
Arabic Letter Yeh Isolated Form |
U+FEF5 |
ﻵ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Madda Above Isolated Form |
U+FEF7 |
ﻷ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Above Isolated Form |
U+FEF9 |
ﻹ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef With Hamza Below Isolated Form |
ﻻ |
Arabic Ligature Lam With Alef Isolated Form |