Characters (5930)

Codepoint Character Name
U+1FB5C 🭜 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Middle Left To Upper Middle Right
U+1FB5D 🭝 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Centre To Lower Middle Right
U+1FB5E 🭞 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Left To Lower Middle Right
U+1FB5F 🭟 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Centre To Upper Middle Right
U+1FB60 🭠 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Left To Upper Middle Right
U+1FB61 🭡 Upper Left Block Diagonal Lower Centre To Upper Right
U+1FB62 🭢 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Centre To Upper Middle Right
U+1FB63 🭣 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Left To Upper Middle Right
U+1FB64 🭤 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Centre To Lower Middle Right
U+1FB65 🭥 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Middle Right
U+1FB66 🭦 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Centre To Lower Right
U+1FB67 🭧 Upper Right Block Diagonal Upper Middle Left To Lower Middle Right
U+1FB68 🭨 Upper And Right And Lower Triangular Three Quarters Block
U+1FB69 🭩 Left And Lower And Right Triangular Three Quarters Block
U+1FB6A 🭪 Upper And Left And Lower Triangular Three Quarters Block
U+1FB6B 🭫 Left And Upper And Right Triangular Three Quarters Block
U+1FB6C 🭬 Left Triangular One Quarter Block
U+1FB6D 🭭 Upper Triangular One Quarter Block
U+1FB6E 🭮 Right Triangular One Quarter Block
U+1FB6F 🭯 Lower Triangular One Quarter Block
U+1FB70 🭰 Vertical One Eighth Block-2
U+1FB71 🭱 Vertical One Eighth Block-3
U+1FB72 🭲 Vertical One Eighth Block-4
U+1FB73 🭳 Vertical One Eighth Block-5
U+1FB74 🭴 Vertical One Eighth Block-6
U+1FB75 🭵 Vertical One Eighth Block-7
U+1FB76 🭶 Horizontal One Eighth Block-2
U+1FB77 🭷 Horizontal One Eighth Block-3
U+1FB78 🭸 Horizontal One Eighth Block-4
U+1FB79 🭹 Horizontal One Eighth Block-5
U+1FB7A 🭺 Horizontal One Eighth Block-6
U+1FB7B 🭻 Horizontal One Eighth Block-7
U+1FB7C 🭼 Left And Lower One Eighth Block
U+1FB7D 🭽 Left And Upper One Eighth Block
U+1FB7E 🭾 Right And Upper One Eighth Block
U+1FB7F 🭿 Right And Lower One Eighth Block
U+1FB80 🮀 Upper And Lower One Eighth Block
U+1FB81 🮁 Horizontal One Eighth Block-1358
U+1FB82 🮂 Upper One Quarter Block
U+1FB83 🮃 Upper Three Eighths Block
U+1FB84 🮄 Upper Five Eighths Block
U+1FB85 🮅 Upper Three Quarters Block
U+1FB86 🮆 Upper Seven Eighths Block
U+1FB87 🮇 Right One Quarter Block
U+1FB88 🮈 Right Three Eighths Block
U+1FB89 🮉 Right Five Eighths Block
U+1FB8A 🮊 Right Three Quarters Block
U+1FB8B 🮋 Right Seven Eighths Block
U+1FB8C 🮌 Left Half Medium Shade
U+1FB8D 🮍 Right Half Medium Shade
U+1FB8E 🮎 Upper Half Medium Shade
U+1FB8F 🮏 Lower Half Medium Shade
U+1FB90 🮐 Inverse Medium Shade
U+1FB91 🮑 Upper Half Block And Lower Half Inverse Medium Shade
U+1FB92 🮒 Upper Half Inverse Medium Shade And Lower Half Block
U+1FB94 🮔 Left Half Inverse Medium Shade And Right Half Block
U+1FB95 🮕 Checker Board Fill
U+1FB96 🮖 Inverse Checker Board Fill
U+1FB97 🮗 Heavy Horizontal Fill
U+1FB98 🮘 Upper Left To Lower Right Fill
U+1FB99 🮙 Upper Right To Lower Left Fill
U+1FB9A 🮚 Upper And Lower Triangular Half Block
U+1FB9B 🮛 Left And Right Triangular Half Block
U+1FB9C 🮜 Upper Left Triangular Medium Shade
U+1FB9D 🮝 Upper Right Triangular Medium Shade
U+1FB9E 🮞 Lower Right Triangular Medium Shade
U+1FB9F 🮟 Lower Left Triangular Medium Shade
U+1FBA0 🮠 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Left
U+1FBA1 🮡 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Right
U+1FBA2 🮢 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Left To Lower Centre
U+1FBA3 🮣 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Right To Lower Centre
U+1FBA4 🮤 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Left To Lower Centre
U+1FBA5 🮥 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Right To Lower Centre
U+1FBA6 🮦 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Left To Lower Centre To Middle Right
U+1FBA7 🮧 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Left To Upper Centre To Middle Right
U+1FBA8 🮨 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Left And Middle Right To Lower Centre
U+1FBA9 🮩 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Right And Middle Left To Lower Centre
U+1FBAA 🮪 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Right To Lower Centre To Middle Left
U+1FBAB 🮫 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Centre To Middle Left To Lower Centre To Middle Right
U+1FBAC 🮬 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Left To Upper Centre To Middle Right To Lower Centre
U+1FBAD 🮭 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Middle Right To Upper Centre To Middle Left To Lower Centre
U+1FBAE 🮮 Box Drawings Light Diagonal Diamond
U+1FBAF 🮯 Box Drawings Light Horizontal With Vertical Stroke
U+1FBB0 🮰 Arrowhead-Shaped Pointer
U+1FBB1 🮱 Inverse Check Mark
U+1FBB2 🮲 Left Half Running Man
U+1FBB3 🮳 Right Half Running Man
U+1FBB4 🮴 Inverse Downwards Arrow With Tip Leftwards
U+1FBB5 🮵 Leftwards Arrow And Upper And Lower One Eighth Block
U+1FBB6 🮶 Rightwards Arrow And Upper And Lower One Eighth Block
U+1FBB7 🮷 Downwards Arrow And Right One Eighth Block
U+1FBB8 🮸 Upwards Arrow And Right One Eighth Block
U+1FBB9 🮹 Left Half Folder
U+1FBBA 🮺 Right Half Folder
U+1FBBB 🮻 Voided Greek Cross
U+1FBBC 🮼 Right Open Squared Dot