Unicode Character "ي" (U+064A)
The character ي (Arabic Letter Yeh) is represented by the Unicode codepoint U+064A. It is encoded in the Arabic block, which belongs to the Basic Multilingual Plane. It was added to Unicode in version 1.1 (June, 1993). It is HTML encoded as ي.
Main Unicode Properties
Name | Arabic Letter Yeh |
Unicode Codepoint | U+064A |
Unicode Version | 1.1 (June, 1993) |
Block | Arabic |
Plane | Basic Multilingual Plane |
Bidirectional Data
Bidirectional class | Arabic Letter (AL) |
Is mirrored? | No |
Other Unicode Data
Category | Other Letter |
Script | Arabic |
Combining Class | Not Reordered |
U+064A Conversion
HTML (decimal) | ي |
HTML (hex) | ي |
HTML (named) | - |
URL Escape Code | %D9%8A |
CSS | \00064A |
JavaScript, JSON | \u064A |
C, C++, Java | \u064A |
Python | \u064A |
Rust | \u{064A} |
Ruby | \u064A |
How to type "ي"
- ي Times, Times New Roman, serif
- ي Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
- ي Courier, Courier New, monospace
UTF Encodings
UTF-8 (hex) | 0xD9 0x8A |
UTF-16 (hex) | 0x064A |
UTF-32 (hex) | 0x0000064A |
Characters based on "ي" (U+064A)
ئ U+0626
Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above
ٸ U+0678
Arabic Letter High Hamza Yeh
ﰄ U+FC04
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰊ U+FC0A
Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰐ U+FC10
Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰔ U+FC14
Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰲ U+FC32
Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰶ U+FC36
Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Isolated Form
ﰾ U+FC3E
Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱄ U+FC44
Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱊ U+FC4A
Arabic Ligature Meem With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱐ U+FC50
Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱔ U+FC54
Arabic Ligature Heh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱕ U+FC55
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Isolated Form
ﱖ U+FC56
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Isolated Form
ﱗ U+FC57
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Isolated Form
ﱘ U+FC58
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Isolated Form
ﱙ U+FC59
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Isolated Form
ﱚ U+FC5A
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱚ U+FC5A
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Isolated Form
ﱩ U+FC69
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hamza Above With Yeh Final Form
ﱯ U+FC6F
Arabic Ligature Beh With Yeh Final Form
ﱵ U+FC75
Arabic Ligature Teh With Yeh Final Form
ﱻ U+FC7B
Arabic Ligature Theh With Yeh Final Form
ﱽ U+FC7D
Arabic Ligature Feh With Yeh Final Form
ﱿ U+FC7F
Arabic Ligature Qaf With Yeh Final Form
ﲄ U+FC84
Arabic Ligature Kaf With Yeh Final Form
ﲇ U+FC87
Arabic Ligature Lam With Yeh Final Form
ﲏ U+FC8F
Arabic Ligature Noon With Yeh Final Form
ﲑ U+FC91
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Reh Final Form
ﲒ U+FC92
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Zain Final Form
ﲓ U+FC93
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Final Form
ﲔ U+FC94
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Noon Final Form
ﲕ U+FC95
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Alef Maksura Final Form
ﲖ U+FC96
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form
ﲖ U+FC96
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem Initial Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah Initial Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Khah Initial Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Initial Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Initial Form
ﳰ U+FCF0
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem Medial Form
ﳱ U+FCF1
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Heh Medial Form
ﳶ U+FCF6
Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Isolated Form
ﳸ U+FCF8
Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Isolated Form
Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Isolated Form
Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Isolated Form
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴀ U+FD00
Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴂ U+FD02
Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴄ U+FD04
Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴆ U+FD06
Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴈ U+FD08
Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Isolated Form
ﴒ U+FD12
Arabic Ligature Tah With Yeh Final Form
ﴔ U+FD14
Arabic Ligature Ain With Yeh Final Form
ﴖ U+FD16
Arabic Ligature Ghain With Yeh Final Form
ﴘ U+FD18
Arabic Ligature Seen With Yeh Final Form
ﴚ U+FD1A
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Yeh Final Form
ﴜ U+FD1C
Arabic Ligature Hah With Yeh Final Form
ﴞ U+FD1E
Arabic Ligature Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﴠ U+FD20
Arabic Ligature Khah With Yeh Final Form
ﴢ U+FD22
Arabic Ligature Sad With Yeh Final Form
ﴤ U+FD24
Arabic Ligature Dad With Yeh Final Form
ﵚ U+FD5A
Arabic Ligature Hah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﵩ U+FD69
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﵴ U+FD74
Arabic Ligature Tah With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﵺ U+FD7A
Arabic Ligature Ghain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶁ U+FD81
Arabic Ligature Lam With Hah With Yeh Final Form
ﶋ U+FD8B
Arabic Ligature Meem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
ﶚ U+FD9A
Arabic Ligature Noon With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶜ U+FD9C
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Final Form
ﶝ U+FD9D
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Meem Initial Form
ﶞ U+FD9E
Arabic Ligature Beh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
ﶟ U+FD9F
Arabic Ligature Teh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﶡ U+FDA1
Arabic Ligature Teh With Khah With Yeh Final Form
ﶣ U+FDA3
Arabic Ligature Teh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶥ U+FDA5
Arabic Ligature Jeem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶩ U+FDA9
Arabic Ligature Sad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Sheen With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Dad With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Lam With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Lam With Meem With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﶰ U+FDB0
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶰ U+FDB0
Arabic Ligature Yeh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶱ U+FDB1
Arabic Ligature Meem With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶲ U+FDB2
Arabic Ligature Qaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶳ U+FDB3
Arabic Ligature Noon With Hah With Yeh Final Form
ﶶ U+FDB6
Arabic Ligature Ain With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶷ U+FDB7
Arabic Ligature Kaf With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﶹ U+FDB9
Arabic Ligature Meem With Khah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Jeem With Hah With Yeh Final Form
Arabic Ligature Hah With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﷀ U+FDC0
Arabic Ligature Meem With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﷁ U+FDC1
Arabic Ligature Feh With Meem With Yeh Final Form
ﷂ U+FDC2
Arabic Ligature Beh With Hah With Yeh Final Form
ﷆ U+FDC6
Arabic Ligature Seen With Khah With Yeh Final Form
ﷇ U+FDC7
Arabic Ligature Noon With Jeem With Yeh Final Form
ﷷ U+FDF7
Arabic Ligature Alayhe Isolated Form
Arabic Ligature Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam
ﻱ U+FEF1
Arabic Letter Yeh Isolated Form
ﻲ U+FEF2
Arabic Letter Yeh Final Form
ﻳ U+FEF3
Arabic Letter Yeh Initial Form
ﻴ U+FEF4
Arabic Letter Yeh Medial Form
𞸉 U+1EE09
Arabic Mathematical Yeh
𞸩 U+1EE29
Arabic Mathematical Initial Yeh
𞹉 U+1EE49
Arabic Mathematical Tailed Yeh
𞹩 U+1EE69
Arabic Mathematical Stretched Yeh
𞺉 U+1EE89
Arabic Mathematical Looped Yeh
𞺩 U+1EEA9
Arabic Mathematical Double-Struck Yeh