Characters (1365)

Codepoint Character Name
U+0600 ؀ Arabic Number Sign
U+0601 ؁ Arabic Sign Sanah
U+0602 ؂ Arabic Footnote Marker
U+0603 ؃ Arabic Sign Safha
U+0604 ؄ Arabic Sign Samvat
U+0606 ؆ Arabic-Indic Cube Root
U+0607 ؇ Arabic-Indic Fourth Root
U+0608 ؈ Arabic Ray
U+0609 ؉ Arabic-Indic Per Mille Sign
U+060A ؊ Arabic-Indic Per Ten Thousand Sign
U+060B ؋ Afghani Sign
U+060D ؍ Arabic Date Separator
U+060E ؎ Arabic Poetic Verse Sign
U+060F ؏ Arabic Sign Misra
U+0610 ؐ Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam
U+0611 ؑ Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam
U+0612 ؒ Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe
U+0613 ؓ Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu
U+0614 ؔ Arabic Sign Takhallus
U+0615 ؕ Arabic Small High Tah
U+0616 ؖ Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh
U+0617 ؗ Arabic Small High Zain
U+0618 ؘ Arabic Small Fatha
U+0619 ؙ Arabic Small Damma
U+061A ؚ Arabic Small Kasra
U+061C ؜ Arabic Letter Mark
U+061D ؝ Arabic End Of Text Mark
U+061E ؞ Arabic Triple Dot Punctuation Mark
U+0620 ؠ Arabic Letter Kashmiri Yeh
U+0621 ء Arabic Letter Hamza
U+0622 آ Arabic Letter Alef With Madda Above
U+0623 أ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Above
U+0624 ؤ Arabic Letter Waw With Hamza Above
U+0625 إ Arabic Letter Alef With Hamza Below
U+0626 ئ Arabic Letter Yeh With Hamza Above
U+0627 ا Arabic Letter Alef
U+0628 ب Arabic Letter Beh
U+0629 ة Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta
U+062A ت Arabic Letter Teh
U+062B ث Arabic Letter Theh
U+062C ج Arabic Letter Jeem
U+062D ح Arabic Letter Hah
U+062E خ Arabic Letter Khah
U+062F د Arabic Letter Dal
U+0630 ذ Arabic Letter Thal
U+0631 ر Arabic Letter Reh
U+0632 ز Arabic Letter Zain
U+0633 س Arabic Letter Seen
U+0634 ش Arabic Letter Sheen
U+0635 ص Arabic Letter Sad
U+0636 ض Arabic Letter Dad
U+0637 ط Arabic Letter Tah
U+0638 ظ Arabic Letter Zah
U+0639 ع Arabic Letter Ain
U+063A غ Arabic Letter Ghain
U+063B ػ Arabic Letter Keheh With Two Dots Above
U+063C ؼ Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Below
U+063D ؽ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Inverted V
U+063E ؾ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Two Dots Above
U+063F ؿ Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Three Dots Above
U+0641 ف Arabic Letter Feh
U+0642 ق Arabic Letter Qaf
U+0643 ك Arabic Letter Kaf
U+0644 ل Arabic Letter Lam
U+0645 م Arabic Letter Meem
U+0646 ن Arabic Letter Noon
U+0647 ه Arabic Letter Heh
U+0648 و Arabic Letter Waw
U+0649 ى Arabic Letter Alef Maksura
U+064A ي Arabic Letter Yeh
U+0656 ٖ Arabic Subscript Alef
U+0657 ٗ Arabic Inverted Damma
U+0658 ٘ Arabic Mark Noon Ghunna
U+0659 ٙ Arabic Zwarakay
U+065A ٚ Arabic Vowel Sign Small V Above
U+065B ٛ Arabic Vowel Sign Inverted Small V Above
U+065C ٜ Arabic Vowel Sign Dot Below
U+065D ٝ Arabic Reversed Damma
U+065E ٞ Arabic Fatha With Two Dots
U+065F ٟ Arabic Wavy Hamza Below
U+0660 ٠ Arabic-Indic Digit Zero
U+0661 ١ Arabic-Indic Digit One
U+0662 ٢ Arabic-Indic Digit Two
U+0663 ٣ Arabic-Indic Digit Three
U+0664 ٤ Arabic-Indic Digit Four
U+0665 ٥ Arabic-Indic Digit Five
U+0666 ٦ Arabic-Indic Digit Six
U+0667 ٧ Arabic-Indic Digit Seven
U+0668 ٨ Arabic-Indic Digit Eight
U+0669 ٩ Arabic-Indic Digit Nine
U+066A ٪ Arabic Percent Sign
U+066B ٫ Arabic Decimal Separator
U+066C ٬ Arabic Thousands Separator
U+066D ٭ Arabic Five Pointed Star
U+066E ٮ Arabic Letter Dotless Beh
U+066F ٯ Arabic Letter Dotless Qaf