Characters (1951)

Codepoint Character Name
U+0300 ̀ Combining Grave Accent
U+0301 ́ Combining Acute Accent
U+0302 ̂ Combining Circumflex Accent
U+0303 ̃ Combining Tilde
U+0304 ̄ Combining Macron
U+0305 ̅ Combining Overline
U+0306 ̆ Combining Breve
U+0307 ̇ Combining Dot Above
U+0308 ̈ Combining Diaeresis
U+0309 ̉ Combining Hook Above
U+030A ̊ Combining Ring Above
U+030B ̋ Combining Double Acute Accent
U+030C ̌ Combining Caron
U+030D ̍ Combining Vertical Line Above
U+030E ̎ Combining Double Vertical Line Above
U+030F ̏ Combining Double Grave Accent
U+0310 ̐ Combining Candrabindu
U+0311 ̑ Combining Inverted Breve
U+0312 ̒ Combining Turned Comma Above
U+0313 ̓ Combining Comma Above
U+0314 ̔ Combining Reversed Comma Above
U+0315 ̕ Combining Comma Above Right
U+0316 ̖ Combining Grave Accent Below
U+0317 ̗ Combining Acute Accent Below
U+0318 ̘ Combining Left Tack Below
U+0319 ̙ Combining Right Tack Below
U+031A ̚ Combining Left Angle Above
U+031B ̛ Combining Horn
U+031C ̜ Combining Left Half Ring Below
U+031D ̝ Combining Up Tack Below
U+031E ̞ Combining Down Tack Below
U+031F ̟ Combining Plus Sign Below
U+0320 ̠ Combining Minus Sign Below
U+0321 ̡ Combining Palatalized Hook Below
U+0322 ̢ Combining Retroflex Hook Below
U+0323 ̣ Combining Dot Below
U+0324 ̤ Combining Diaeresis Below
U+0325 ̥ Combining Ring Below
U+0326 ̦ Combining Comma Below
U+0327 ̧ Combining Cedilla
U+0328 ̨ Combining Ogonek
U+0329 ̩ Combining Vertical Line Below
U+032A ̪ Combining Bridge Below
U+032B ̫ Combining Inverted Double Arch Below
U+032C ̬ Combining Caron Below
U+032D ̭ Combining Circumflex Accent Below
U+032E ̮ Combining Breve Below
U+032F ̯ Combining Inverted Breve Below
U+0330 ̰ Combining Tilde Below
U+0331 ̱ Combining Macron Below
U+0332 ̲ Combining Low Line
U+0333 ̳ Combining Double Low Line
U+0334 ̴ Combining Tilde Overlay
U+0335 ̵ Combining Short Stroke Overlay
U+0336 ̶ Combining Long Stroke Overlay
U+0337 ̷ Combining Short Solidus Overlay
U+0338 ̸ Combining Long Solidus Overlay
U+0339 ̹ Combining Right Half Ring Below
U+033A ̺ Combining Inverted Bridge Below
U+033B ̻ Combining Square Below
U+033C ̼ Combining Seagull Below
U+033D ̽ Combining X Above
U+033E ̾ Combining Vertical Tilde
U+033F ̿ Combining Double Overline
U+0340 ̀ Combining Grave Tone Mark
U+0341 ́ Combining Acute Tone Mark
U+0342 ͂ Combining Greek Perispomeni
U+0343 ̓ Combining Greek Koronis
U+0344 ̈́ Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos
U+0345 ͅ Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni
U+0346 ͆ Combining Bridge Above
U+0347 ͇ Combining Equals Sign Below
U+0348 ͈ Combining Double Vertical Line Below
U+0349 ͉ Combining Left Angle Below
U+034A ͊ Combining Not Tilde Above
U+034B ͋ Combining Homothetic Above
U+034C ͌ Combining Almost Equal To Above
U+034D ͍ Combining Left Right Arrow Below
U+034E ͎ Combining Upwards Arrow Below
U+034F ͏ Combining Grapheme Joiner
U+0350 ͐ Combining Right Arrowhead Above
U+0351 ͑ Combining Left Half Ring Above
U+0352 ͒ Combining Fermata
U+0353 ͓ Combining X Below
U+0354 ͔ Combining Left Arrowhead Below
U+0355 ͕ Combining Right Arrowhead Below
U+0356 ͖ Combining Right Arrowhead And Up Arrowhead Below
U+0357 ͗ Combining Right Half Ring Above
U+0358 ͘ Combining Dot Above Right
U+0359 ͙ Combining Asterisk Below
U+035A ͚ Combining Double Ring Below
U+035B ͛ Combining Zigzag Above
U+035C ͜ Combining Double Breve Below
U+035D ͝ Combining Double Breve
U+035E ͞ Combining Double Macron
U+035F ͟ Combining Double Macron Below