Characters (1951)

Codepoint Character Name
U+0360 ͠ Combining Double Tilde
U+0361 ͡ Combining Double Inverted Breve
U+0362 ͢ Combining Double Rightwards Arrow Below
U+0363 ͣ Combining Latin Small Letter A
U+0364 ͤ Combining Latin Small Letter E
U+0365 ͥ Combining Latin Small Letter I
U+0366 ͦ Combining Latin Small Letter O
U+0367 ͧ Combining Latin Small Letter U
U+0368 ͨ Combining Latin Small Letter C
U+0369 ͩ Combining Latin Small Letter D
U+036A ͪ Combining Latin Small Letter H
U+036B ͫ Combining Latin Small Letter M
U+036C ͬ Combining Latin Small Letter R
U+036D ͭ Combining Latin Small Letter T
U+036E ͮ Combining Latin Small Letter V
U+036F ͯ Combining Latin Small Letter X
U+0483 ҃ Combining Cyrillic Titlo
U+0484 ҄ Combining Cyrillic Palatalization
U+0485 ҅ Combining Cyrillic Dasia Pneumata
U+0486 ҆ Combining Cyrillic Psili Pneumata
U+0487 ҇ Combining Cyrillic Pokrytie
U+0591 ֑ Hebrew Accent Etnahta
U+0592 ֒ Hebrew Accent Segol
U+0593 ֓ Hebrew Accent Shalshelet
U+0594 ֔ Hebrew Accent Zaqef Qatan
U+0595 ֕ Hebrew Accent Zaqef Gadol
U+0596 ֖ Hebrew Accent Tipeha
U+0597 ֗ Hebrew Accent Revia
U+0598 ֘ Hebrew Accent Zarqa
U+0599 ֙ Hebrew Accent Pashta
U+059A ֚ Hebrew Accent Yetiv
U+059B ֛ Hebrew Accent Tevir
U+059C ֜ Hebrew Accent Geresh
U+059D ֝ Hebrew Accent Geresh Muqdam
U+059E ֞ Hebrew Accent Gershayim
U+059F ֟ Hebrew Accent Qarney Para
U+05A0 ֠ Hebrew Accent Telisha Gedola
U+05A1 ֡ Hebrew Accent Pazer
U+05A2 ֢ Hebrew Accent Atnah Hafukh
U+05A3 ֣ Hebrew Accent Munah
U+05A4 ֤ Hebrew Accent Mahapakh
U+05A5 ֥ Hebrew Accent Merkha
U+05A6 ֦ Hebrew Accent Merkha Kefula
U+05A7 ֧ Hebrew Accent Darga
U+05A8 ֨ Hebrew Accent Qadma
U+05A9 ֩ Hebrew Accent Telisha Qetana
U+05AA ֪ Hebrew Accent Yerah Ben Yomo
U+05AB ֫ Hebrew Accent Ole
U+05AC ֬ Hebrew Accent Iluy
U+05AD ֭ Hebrew Accent Dehi
U+05AE ֮ Hebrew Accent Zinor
U+05AF ֯ Hebrew Mark Masora Circle
U+05B0 ְ Hebrew Point Sheva
U+05B1 ֱ Hebrew Point Hataf Segol
U+05B2 ֲ Hebrew Point Hataf Patah
U+05B3 ֳ Hebrew Point Hataf Qamats
U+05B4 ִ Hebrew Point Hiriq
U+05B5 ֵ Hebrew Point Tsere
U+05B6 ֶ Hebrew Point Segol
U+05B7 ַ Hebrew Point Patah
U+05B8 ָ Hebrew Point Qamats
U+05B9 ֹ Hebrew Point Holam
U+05BA ֺ Hebrew Point Holam Haser For Vav
U+05BB ֻ Hebrew Point Qubuts
U+05BC ּ Hebrew Point Dagesh Or Mapiq
U+05BD ֽ Hebrew Point Meteg
U+05BF ֿ Hebrew Point Rafe
U+05C1 ׁ Hebrew Point Shin Dot
U+05C2 ׂ Hebrew Point Sin Dot
U+05C4 ׄ Hebrew Mark Upper Dot
U+05C5 ׅ Hebrew Mark Lower Dot
U+05C7 ׇ Hebrew Point Qamats Qatan
U+0610 ؐ Arabic Sign Sallallahou Alayhe Wassallam
U+0611 ؑ Arabic Sign Alayhe Assallam
U+0612 ؒ Arabic Sign Rahmatullah Alayhe
U+0613 ؓ Arabic Sign Radi Allahou Anhu
U+0614 ؔ Arabic Sign Takhallus
U+0615 ؕ Arabic Small High Tah
U+0616 ؖ Arabic Small High Ligature Alef With Lam With Yeh
U+0617 ؗ Arabic Small High Zain
U+0618 ؘ Arabic Small Fatha
U+0619 ؙ Arabic Small Damma
U+061A ؚ Arabic Small Kasra
U+064B ً Arabic Fathatan
U+064C ٌ Arabic Dammatan
U+064D ٍ Arabic Kasratan
U+064E َ Arabic Fatha
U+064F ُ Arabic Damma
U+0650 ِ Arabic Kasra
U+0651 ّ Arabic Shadda
U+0652 ْ Arabic Sukun
U+0653 ٓ Arabic Maddah Above
U+0654 ٔ Arabic Hamza Above
U+0655 ٕ Arabic Hamza Below
U+0656 ٖ Arabic Subscript Alef
U+0657 ٗ Arabic Inverted Damma